Practical Programme
Jun Jun 2018

Nick Steur will gather 8 artists during 5 days in Brussels to create art, without any tools nor technology, only bodies, sensibility and creativity, in situ.

Working with the Current

I would like to take this opportunity to lay down my agenda, my phone and computer. Let's switch off our future oriented minds. Let's just observe again. Let's really take time and discover again.
I'd like to find some raw creativity. Let's forget about our past education and diplomas, future reviews and what audiences might be going to think.
Let's work again no, play again, without focusing on result. Let's play with the current, the billions of things already moving in and around us. Let's take a walk. Let's sit in this strange looking corner for an hour and watch the shadows change.
Let's also leave the black and white box and just work out there, in the wild city jungle or urban nature.
Let's be creative and responsive again. Use our hearts and hands yes use our hands!
Let's intentionally become our most sensitive and vulnerable self. I want to be inspired, having that mindset again that anything can happen.
I want to be open, be ready to react as an artist. In any space, with any material, at any time.
Let's practise our artistic views as sensitive creative beings during normal, random daily life. We have the freedom to react as artists at any time.
We work with the materials we find. An odd shaped tree branch. A lost scarf or a lost soul asking for the way to the metro... We don't know what we will find and that's the beauty of it. Let's work with the current and thereby feed each other with our unique ways of viewing the world.