Practical Programme
Feb Feb 2015


Yves-Noël Genod will lead a 'workshop about love', quite simply.

Workshop about Love

Yves-Noël Genod will lead a "workshop about love", quite simply

"I wanted to talk about Art. But I only talk about life." These are the words of Louis Aragon ending his article on "Pierrot le fou" by Jean-Luc Godard. Indeed, Art becomes supreme when it has an effect on one level: from life to life.

Art, in fact, doesn't matter that much. One must often unlearn. What we do or undo on a set: we take shortcuts. Poetic, in love, dating shortcuts, or, as in astrophysics, "wormholes". In French: " trous de ver". Oh, it sounds like "trouvère" (French Poets of the XIIth and XIIIth, editor's note), "troubadour", doesn't it? And "troubadour" is literally the "one who finds". That means - Pierre Guyotat points it out - that in our jobs, we can certainly look a bit, but it is fundamental to find! Love is, after all, the only subject of any performance. Let's pretend that confidence was innate (it is), that recklessness was innate (it is), that we were happy as we are when we are asleep (isn't life a daydream?) or in the land of childhood (doesn't childhood inhabit us as the one and only story of our lives?). Let's pretend we were happinlove (we are), as if we knew how to love, as if we could demonstrate that we know how to love.

Open to all professional lovers, open to dance, singing, texts, films, acrobatics, (body) painting, poems, silent images, romance redefining...

End of workshop presentation for Valentine's Day.

Public Opening

The workshop will be open on Saturday 14 February at 3pm, just for Valentine's day!

Cri et baise 14.02.2015 - 15h

With Jessica Batut, Gregory Bracco, Bwanga Pilipili, Gregory Carnoli, Maria Ferreira Silva, Jean Fürst, François Gillerot, Florence Hebbelynck, Sarah Lefèvre, Aurélien Leforestier, Adrien Letartre, Audrey Lucie Riesen, Gaëtan Rusquet and Antoine Truchi.