Practical Programme
May May 2015
La Raffinerie

Marlene Monteiro Freitas will be in Brussels to present 'de marfim e carne' at kunstenfestivaldesarts. We take this opportunity to invite her to lead a workshop in collaboration with KFDA and Charleroi Danses.

Oh, my Ninfa body!

Marlene Monteiro Freitas will be in Brussels to present "de marfim e carne" at kunstenfestivaldesarts. We take this opportunity to invite her to lead a workshop in collaboration with KFDA and Charleroi Danses.

Anachronistic, condensing disparate references, displaced and intense – like a dream –, this is the Ninfa, that we will try to embody.
Through a succession of condensations, hybridizations, transformations, we will be lead into situations, events, their sequence, rhythms and moods, ultimately, sketches of structures, conscious and unconscious.
Our strategy: to see-to be-to say – not to tell; mirror, or the reflected partner; displacing intensities, is it a corpse or a glass of water?...

Marlene Monteiro Freitas

Dancer and choreographer, Marlene Monteiro Freitas is also a creature, an untamable character that comes from Cabo Verde.

Marlene Monteiro Freitas was born in Cabo Verde where she was member and co-founder of the dance group Compass and collaborated with the musician Vasco Martins.
After her dance studies at P.A.R.T.S. (Brussels), at E.S.D. and at Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian (Lisbon), she developed a dance project with the community of Cova da Moura (Lisbon), under the idea “we will not have dance classes, we will rehearse”. She regularly works with Emmanuelle Huynn, Loic Touzé, Tânia Carvalho, Boris Charmatz, among others. Her creations include (M)imosa (2011), a project developed together with Trajal Harell, François Chaignaud and Cecilia Bengolea, Guintche (2010), A Seriedade do Animal (2009-10), Uns e Outros (2008), A Improbabilidade da Certeza (2006), Larvar (2006), Primeira Impressão (2005), works whose common denominator is openness, impurity and intensity.


The Cifas asks contemporary artists to illustrate its communication. Delphine Heymans illustrated the workshop led by Marlene Monteiro Freitas.

Delphine Heymans gathers stories and pictures throughout her encounters. Then she puts them together in dialogue with her pencils to tell social rituals, relational mythologies and poetry of everyday life.