Practical Programme
Oct Nov 2014
Théâtre Océan Nord

Present on stage is our freedom. We are free to do what we want.

Les chiens de Navarre

"Present on stage is our freedom. We are free to do what we want. Obviously, with an author, it's more complicated. 

Generally, he has written something that needs interpretation. So when we start working, we prefer leaving and leave the author out of it all. We have situations, images, an open book and maybe only a sentence which we like or which resists us, desires, states, we are happy or angry, we want to laugh, frigthen of be scared. 

And that is where it all starts. 

Then we gather on stage and we start to talk, to write without paper nor pen, to write like this, simply, from that sitation or that state, we take a table and some chairs, for example, and then everything that amuse us: a raclette machine, green paint, blond whig or a farting cushion and here we go.

Everything is possible."

Illustrations- Priscille Depinay

The Cifas asks contemporary artists to illustrate its communication. Priscille Depinay illustrated the workshop led by Les Chiens de Navarre.

Priscille grew up in Normandy and now lives in Paris. Her work explores the relations between individuals, as well as strategies put in place to try to understand each other. 
Age, sexe and species are parameters to adjust in this systematised research for an absolute language.